[Overview] Disc Parabolic Dish Solar Collector is a new mode of new energy application different from photovoltaic. Focused solar energy is used to collect solar energy with a condenser and convert energy to practical application through heat storage, heat exchange or other devices. It has the advantages of non attenuation, long life, reliable operation and stored energy.https://www.virtueglassgroup.com/dish-solar-collector/
VGC Disc Dish Solar collector is a new mode of new energy application different from photovoltaic. Focused solar energy is used to collect solar energy with a condenser and convert energy to practical application through heat storage, heat exchange or other devices. It has the advantages of non attenuation, long life, reliable operation and stored energy.
1、 The dish solar collector provides heat separately: when the solar radiation is sufficient, the heat provided by the solar energy development can meet the heating demand. At this time, the auxiliary heat source and the heat storage device can not be opened, and only the water pump can consume part of the electric energy during the safe operation of the system.
2、 Heat supply+heat storage by dish collector: according to different design solar energy assurance rates, when there is sufficient sunlight in the daytime and low hourly heat consumption, the excess energy collected by the dish collector needs to be stored and transferred to the night or rainy days for use. At this time, part of the energy provided by the solar energy is used for heat supply and part is stored in the heat storage device. At this time, only the water pump consumes part of the electric energy.
3、 Heat storage and heating by dish type collector: the heat storage technology of dish type collector can be mainly used at night or in rainy days. When solar energy resources are insufficient, priority should be given to the development and utilization of the energy stored in the heat storage device, and when it is insufficient, computer assistance should be started to improve the supplement of energy enterprises.
4、 Auxiliary energy system of dish type collector: under the condition of sufficient sunlight in the daytime but no independent heating, the solar energy system can be used as heating and heating water to increase the return water temperature, and the auxiliary heating energy can be used to design the water supply temperature. At this time, there is no independent solar heating, which can also reduce the auxiliary energy consumption.
5、 The auxiliary energy can be used for heating separately: the solar energy technology system can not be used at night or in extreme weather, and the auxiliary energy enterprise can be started for heating separately.
Aiming at the problem of severe haze weather during winter heating in northern regions, and the national needs in energy conservation, emission reduction and air pollution control. Actively carry out the feasibility study on the complementary utilization of low-temperature solar energy and clean energy for building heating, and develop parabolic trough solar collectors, linear Fresnel solar collectors, and dish solar collectors. These devices can be designed for independent use or combined with wind energy, geothermal energy, ambient air source heat pump and other devices to meet the different cultural needs of urban central heating and distributed heating in the vast rural poor areas in China. At the same time, we can also use them for industrial heat, refrigeration, seawater desalination, domestic hot water, food drying technology, solar greenhouse and other teaching applications.
Dish type solar collector
It can be divided into direct type and indirect type. The direct collector focuses the parallel light from the sun on the heat exchange element of the Stirling machine and converts the light energy into heat energy
Dish parabolic solar concentration
Track the sun and focus the parallel rays of the sun to realize the conversion of solar energy from low-grade to high-grade.
Parabolic dish solar collector (2)
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