What is Trough Solar Mirror?
A trough solar mirror, also known as a parabolic trough, is a type of concentrating solar power technology used to generate electricity. The technology consists of long, curved mirrors, typically made of glass or plastic, that are arranged in parallel rows and curved in a parabolic shape.
These mirrors are designed to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a single focal point, typically a pipe or a tube, which runs along the center of the trough. This pipe or tube contains a fluid, usually a synthetic oil or molten salt, which is heated by the concentrated sunlight and then used to generate steam to power a turbine, which in turn generates electricity.
Trough solar mirrors are one of the most widely deployed and mature technologies for generating electricity from solar power. They have been in use since the 1980s and are currently used in large-scale commercial power plants around the world.
VGC can provide Parabolic Trough Solar Collector systems.
Mainly 5 types Solar concentrating systems:
Parabolic Trough Solar Collector/
Flat Solar Mirror For Tower Solar Plant/
Curved Mirror for Fresnel Solar Concentrating system/
Dish Mirrors for Composite Dish Concentrating Solar Systems/
The advantages of Trough Solar Mirror
1.High stability, good safety
Adopt vacuum tube with stainless steel inner tube, so there won’t happen tube explosion phenomenon and subsequent water leakage. High performance of resistance to hot and cold temperature shock, High stability.
2.High heating temperature and temperature rise fast
Its principle is line focusing, concentration ratio is 60:1. Temperature can increase to 150C from room temperature within 5mins.
3.High collection efficiency
Heating area to heat dissipation area ratio is 25:1, it can improve collection efficiency compared with 2:1 ratio of solar vacuum tube collector. Meantime, the system adopts single axis track heating way, heat-collecting capacity can improve 30%.
4.Can be used in winter with good frost resistance
Small heat release when used in medium/high temperature, the temperature can reach 150C, can meet the demand of winter heating and drinking water.
Trough solar mirrors VS. photovoltaic panels
- Technology: Trough solar mirrors use concentrated solar power (CSP) technology, which concentrates sunlight onto a fluid-filled pipe or tube to generate steam and drive a turbine. Photovoltaic panels, on the other hand, use solar cells to directly convert sunlight into electricity.
- Efficiency: Trough solar mirrors typically have a higher efficiency than PV panels, as they can concentrate sunlight onto a smaller area and generate more heat. However, PV panels are rapidly improving and becoming more efficient, with some models achieving efficiencies of over 20%.
- Energy Storage: Trough solar mirrors can be paired with thermal energy storage systems to generate electricity even when the sun is not shining. PV panels do not have this capability, although they can be paired with battery storage systems to provide electricity during periods of low sunlight.
- Cost: PV panels are generally less expensive than trough solar mirrors, especially for small-scale applications. However, the cost of trough solar mirrors is decreasing as the technology becomes more widely deployed and manufacturing processes become more efficient.
- Application: Trough solar mirrors are typically used for large-scale power generation, while PV panels are more commonly used for small-scale applications like residential and commercial rooftops.

Trough solar mirrors are one of the most widely deployed and mature technologies for generating electricity from solar power. They have been in use since the 1980s and are currently used in large-scale commercial power plants around the world.